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Self-esteem and Wellbeing


Self-esteem is about how people feel about themselves and how they think and view themselves as a person.
It can be challenging to see someone struggling with their self-esteem especially if they are negative about themselves or if they seem happy but actually they feel they aren’t good enough.

Self-esteem can also be affected when a problem is experienced over an extended period of time, they can become hopeless and demoralised. Self-confidence can be undermined and low self-esteem can develop.

Top Tips: Parents and Carers

For more information visit:

Young Minds: Parents Guide to Support around Self-esteem

CAMHS North Derbyshire NHS: Low Self-esteem

NHS: Self-esteem


Mental wellbeing describes our mental state ; how we are feeling and how well we can cope with day-to-day life.

For more information on the 5 ways to wellbeing:

We have included some resources for you to read through and use :

Self-esteem and Well being resources for Parents and Carers